Climate Change. Management through Adaptation and Mitigation (volume scaricabile)

(Read english text) Focalizzandosi sui temi principali scaturiti dal progetto AdapTM, il volume Climate Change. Management through Adaptation and Mitigation (a cura di Riccardo Privitera, Daniele La Rosa, Viviana Pappalardo, Francesco Martinico) esplora e fornisce nuove prospettive sullo stato dell’arte della gestione del cambiamento climatico. I vari contributi tracciano una panoramica sulle strategie di adattamento e mitigazione, forniscono possibili soluzioni di intervento a varie scale e sostengono l’importanza di affrontare le problematiche relative al cambiamento climatico per tentare di costruire un futuro più sostenibile.

Il volume si pone l’obiettivo di posizionarsi come valido contributo per accrescere le conoscenze e le competenze di studenti, docenti, amministrazioni pubbliche e di tutti gli attori che possono essere interessati e coinvolti nella gestione di tutte le possibili problematiche legate al cambiamento climatico, sempre più pressanti specialmente nell’area del bacino del Mediterraneo. Il processo di costruzione della conoscenza e della consapevolezza in questo campo è urgente e non più rimandabile, e rappresenta l’unico modo per affrontare le minacce a cui il nostro pianeta sta andando inesorabilmente incontro.

>> Scarica qui Climate Change. Management through Adaptation and Mitigation <<

— english text
Focusing on the major topics raised by the AdapTM Project, the book Climate Change. Management through Adaptation and Mitigation (edited by Riccardo Privitera, Daniele La Rosa, Viviana Pappalardo, Francesco Martinico) explores and conveys new insights into the state of the art of Climate Change management between the sea and the land. The contributions provide an extensive overview on adaptation and mitigation strategies and solutions across a wide range of urban and natural biotopes and regions and argue about the importance of tackling climate change issues for building a better and more sustainable future.

The book aims to emerge as a valuable contribution for enhancing knowledge and expertise of students, teachers, public administrations and other stakeholders interested in the management of climate-related issues, which are going to stress the area of Mediterranean with great strength. The building process of knowledge and awareness on climate change related issues is urgent and undelayable and represents the only way to tackle the risks that our planet will face in the next challenging times.

>> Download Climate Change. Management through Adaptation and Mitigation <<

Climate Change, editors

Riccardo Privitera
He is Research Fellow in Urban and Spatial Planning at the Department of Civil Engineering and Architecture, University of Catania (Italy). He holds a PhD degree in Urban Planning, taught Urban Design as a Lecturer in Architecture MSc programme and got the Italian National Scientific Qualification as Associate Professor. He is member of the Italian Centre of Urban planning Studies and the European Land-use Institute, visiting academic Researcher at the Department of Urban Studies and Planning University of Sheffield (UK), visiting Professor at the Faculty of Science University of Alexandria (Egypt). He has been working on several urban local plans and European and UK projects. Among his scientific interests are included: green infrastructures, climate change adaptation and mitigation strategies, ecosystem services, urban agriculture, real estate development processes, transfer of development rights and energy efficiency at urban scale. Based on these topics, he is author of more than fifty scientific publications.

Daniele La Rosa
PhD in Urban and Regional Planning, he is Associate Professor of Urban and Environmental Planning at the Department Civil Engineering and Architecture of the University of Catania (Italy). He teaches spatial planning and urban design in Building Engineering MSc course at the University of Catania. His research interests include sustainable urban planning, Ecosystem Services, GIS applications for urban and landscape planning, environmental indicators, Environmental Strategic Assessment, Land Use science and landscape studies. He is author of more than 80 publications on the above mentioned topics.

Viviana Pappalardo
Ph.D. in ‘Evaluation and Mitigation of Urban and Land Risks’ with a thesis on planning resilient urban areas against urban pluvial flooding, Viviana has been visiting ph.d. student at the UCD-University College Dublin School of Architecture, Planning and Environmental Policy and is currently a postdoc researcher at the Department of Civil Engineering and Architecture of the University of Catania.  She is also member of the board of directors of the Italian Urbanism Association (INU)-Regional Section (Sicily). Her scientific interests include the role of ecosystem services and green infrastructure in urban areas, sustainable planning and spatial analyses using GIS. She is currently working on the topic of ‘adaptigation’ to climate change in Mediterranean contexts through novel planning and policy tools.

Francesco Martinico
Professor of Town Planning at the University of Catania, School of Architecture, is the project leader of the Adaptm Program. He received a PhD in Urban and Regional Planning in 1999 and spent one year as Research Trainee at Insead in Fontainebleau (France). From 2018 he is serving as  member of the Italian National Scientific Qualification Committee for City and Regional Planning. Research interests include the relationship between regional planning and economic development, landscape and environmental protection, innovation in land use management, and the use of Gis in spatial planning. His research activity include on field experience, from 1990s, in several plans at various scales, from city master plans to regional and  landscape protection plans. he using an holistic approach that is particularly committed to environmental issues. He is author of several books and papers published in international journals.

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