Armidaeffe by Garden Light srl nasce dall’esigenza di definire una linea completa di apparecchi di illuminazione concepiti e realizzati con qualità e buon gusto estetico. Le forme e materiali ricercati e di pregio ne fanno una gamma unica che diventa dunque un vero e proprio punto di riferimento nell’arte di illuminare e arredare.
La collezione Armidaeffe è caratterizzata da un design elegante minimalista ma a volte anche eclettica, aperta a contributi progettuali di designers che vengono da storie e mondi culturali diversi, li accoglie e li fa propri, imprimendovi la propria personalità e il proprio stile.
La solida struttura e le competenze maturate nel tempo consentono di rispondere a qualunque requisito tecnico, rielaborando i più classici dei prodotti con soluzioni efficaci e risultati orientati verso una proposta “globale” che investe ogni area dell’abitare. Il recupero della tradizione e gli accorgimenti per la cura dei minimi dettagli unita all’utilizzo di matreriali innovativi come Hi-Macs fanno di Armidaeffe un vero e proprio laboratorio in cui designers sono in grado di creare elementi in armonia col gusto di ogni tempo.
english text
Armidaeffe is one brand of Garden Light srl, has been created by the need to define a line of lighting and furnishing objects conceived and made with quality and good taste.
The refined shapes and materials make it a unique range that is a real reference point in the art of interior and exterior design.
The Armidaeffe range is eccentric, open to suggestions from designers from different backgrounds and cultural worlds, it embraces them and takes on their ideas becoming part of their taste and style. The solid structures and the know-how, accumulated over time, allow the products to stand up to any technical demands, re-engineering the most classical shapes with the most efficient and “global” solutions for any living space.
Recovering traditions and attention to every minimum detail make Armidaeffe a real workshop in which designers can create timeless elements to add to their timeless tastes.
The choice of materials and production processes is at the base of the company’s mission, a mission which is to bring tailor made quality back to an sector which has seems to have preferred industrial production to products which need to feel strongly personal.
The materials; the fabrics, which are individually crafted by an atelier that creates extremely high quality tailor made clothing as well as shades; the metals, formed by highly experienced engineering experts and subject to surface treatments that will make them perfect for many years to come; the accessories are worked with the highest quality leathers and woods by expert hands.
The Hi-Macs Solid Surface material of the “New Generation”.
The objective is communicate to collaborators and partners and therefore the end users this love for fine workmanship so that any customer that buys a piece of our collection is immediately able to feel this message through the products they welcome into their environment, in or outdoors, domestic or commercial, has been created by the need to define a line of lighting and furnishing objects conceived and made with quality and good taste.
The refined shapes and materials make it a unique range that is a real reference point in the art of interior and exterior design.
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